Who am I?

I wanted to be a musician

I am a designer and front-end developer at Zepko where I build interfaces, take care of user experience and do a lot of interesting things. Lately I've been working and enjoying a lot AngularJS.
On top of that I'm also learnign about IT security. Something really important nowdays and I consider myself lucky for working in such a nice place with talented people willing to share knowledge.

As you may have seen above I always wanted to be a many things.
I've always been curious and never tired. Well sometimes I take break too!

I had great teachers while studing in Palermo and in France.
So far I produced a few things like videos, animations, creative code, graphics, photos and also poetry, yes, poetry.

Some traces of what I've been and what I am are on the web too.

You can find me on Twitter, Google+. Feel free to follow or write me!